Life is happening while you are busy…
Life is happening while you are busy making other plans…is the sentence best describing 2021. You can keep planning for this or that to happen, for a move to a new house or maybe even to a new country. You can plan to apply for that dream job of yours or start your own business like you always dreamed of. But while you are busy making all those plans, life is happening whether you like it or not.
Throughout the year of 2021, while Corona was still going wild, we started to make great life plans for 2022, when Corona hopefully was going to be something people spoke about in past tense. Finally we were to start that marketing & travel company of ours. Maybe to live somewhere else! Just to pick up and go – simply start anew – what a fresh and exciting feeling!
In the middle of all these plans I received the most dreaded phone call; that my mother was found dead, from a sudden heart attack, after being out for a walk with a friend. My world became shattered to pieces. Pieces I have no idea for how long they will take to put together again. Then, in the middle of the night, a month after planning and going through with mum’s funeral, the hardest thing me and my sisters ever did in our lives, they called from the retirement home that my grandma (mum’s mum) most probably would not make the night. My husband, older sister and I made it out to her just in time for her to take her last breath.
Two months after the first dreadful phone call about mum, and two funerals after, I am back in Israel, a country I love and have called home for the last 14 years. But everything has changed, I have changed!

During our darkest moments…
While being pushed as low as you possibly believe you can come, through losing one of the closest persons in your life, makes it rather peculiar how much all of a sudden you start to think about life. What has been and what will be. What is right now….A lot of existential questions are popping up no matter whether you like it or not.
About life being too short! Are you in the right place where you really want to be in life?
Are you fulfilling the dreams of your life? If not, when will you start doing just that?
So, for 2022 we will move on with 3 of the top 5 most stressful life events many health articles are talking about:
- Losing a loved one – where we will try to start and pick up the broken pieces.
- Moving
- Changing a job – starting our own company?
Any other plans? Nah, we will simply go with the flow and let life happen in 2022. What about You?