To refuel your energy and get your creativity going
The tranquility and calmness in the Negev desert is like pure balm for the soul. We keep coming back at regular intervals to refuel our energy, get the creativity going and to take in the desert with its special kind of beauty. The barren desert landscape which, with its mysterious shadows, keeps embracing us over and over again every time we come for a visit.
We have stayed overnight, in the middle of the desert, many times. Slept in various types of places; from Bedouin tents and various types of cabins, to caravans and regular tents. By jeep we have reached areas in the desert we would never otherwise have been able to reach.

This time, however, we treated ourselves to two nights at the luxurious desert hotel Beeresheet, overlooking the iconic Ramon Crater. This hotel has been on our “must try” list for a while, and we were not disappointed. For three days and two nights we enjoyed our beautiful and authentic room, the great food (served to the room according to the Corona guidelines that hotels must follow these days), the magnificent nature and view.
During the second day we rented really great mountain bikes at the hotel and cycled on the black-purple and white-blue-orange Israel trail 14 km along Maktesh Ramon, to the lookout point ‘Gaash Lookout’. On the way back we followed the blue bike path in order to not have to go back along exactly the same trail as we arrived on. Thanks to the really good bikes, I ended our 28km long bike ride without any major back pains, pains I am otherwise used to live with due to various disc herniations.
After our bike ride, we spent the rest of the day in a hot tub and watched the Capricorn family who enjoyed their afternoon rest just next to our terrace. The weather, which during the day changed from scorching sun, to several dark and rain-heavy clouds heaping over us, made the formation of shadows over the crater telling us a new desert story. Just the thought about how this whole large and dry area, unbelievably, was covered with water a few hundred million years ago is mind-blowing.
The amazing experience at the hotel, together with our four hour long bike ride along the edge of Mitzpe Ramon’s huge crater (maktesh in Hebrew and also used in English for this geological phenomenon), made our trip complete.
We returned to our home up north, on the green hills of the Galilee, filled with an inner peace and many new thoughts about life.
Carpe Diem