Covid-19 and about learning how to dance in the rain…
“Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”
For me that is the quote best summarizing the year of 2020. Corona or Covid-19 was not a storm that passed and left behind some half-deep scratches along the way. Instead, it has been like many tropical cyclones digging deep fleshy wounds all around the world. Some countries have been better than others at ‘dancing in the rain’, taking care of their inhabitants. The same goes for the companies around the world; the ones that have managed to be more creative than others, are the ones that most probably also will survive after the storm has completely passed and most of us have been vaccinated.
Others, both companies and people, did not manage to run away, or take shelter before the storm aka covid-19 pulled through and tore them up, like trees, with roots and everything. Most of us are mourning someone who has been killed due to Covid-19. Whether it is a beloved family member, dear friend, friend of a friend or a singer you always loved to listen to.
As the positive person I am, or try to be as often as I can, I choose to look at 2020 as a year where many of us literally learned to dance in the rain. From proving ourselves to the companies we work for that we could do our jobs at least as well from home, to building stronger relationships with the immediate family, by spending much more time together.

Mother Earth is for sure feeling a bit better today, after a longer break from thousands of airplanes that were constantly circling the globe. Also from the the fewer number of cars on the roads and other emissions that were forced to stop for one reason or another during the pandemic.
Regardless of what each of us went through in 2020 I hope that the vast majority will be able to put the most difficult experiences behind them, or at least being able to start healing wounded souls and hearts, by starting a new chapter during 2021 while the vaccine is starting to be distributed around the world.
I choose to look at 2021 as a clean, empty book page, where I choose how I want my new story to unfold while exploring new exciting opportunities awaiting around the corner.
Wishing You All a healthy and loving year, filled with lots of joy and laughter!