About Me

I was born and raised in the southeast corner of Sweden. Due to my great interest in seeing the world and getting to know other cultures, I left home to live-study-work in other places already at an early age. My various homes around the world have included everything in between a damp-damaged apartment in east London as a poor college student, a cabin on a cruise ship in the Caribbean where I was employed as a guest relations officer, a small studio apartment in the SouthEast Village of Manhattan as a theatre student, to a little more family-adapted housing both in Karlskrona and later on also in Älta south of Stockholm.
For the past 13 years, I, along with my husband and two children, have been living on a kibbutz in northern Israel. Since we moved here I have been working with marketing in high-tech companies and I am a licensed tour guide by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism since 2020. It was also here in Israel that I seriously began to write in a completely different way than what I have done throughout my life as a “drawer texts” writer. The words, to my debut book Liv, began to completely bubble and rumble out of me after we’d lived in Israel for a few years and had to fight a battle of life and death. A story I felt important to get written down and be told slowly but surely began to take shape. That was when my writing became a lifeline.
Since then, writing has become a natural part of who I am, in order to feel more alive and hopefully to make my readers feel more alive. With my bi-weekly chronicles in the regional Swedish newspaper, Blekinge Läns Tidning, I have wanted to inspire others to go out and live exactly the life they would like to live. To never give up on our dreams, and to constantly get up again even if we fall many times along the journey to the goal of our dreams.
Can my stories inspire the reader to have the strength to fight on, despite adversity, and dare to break habitual patterns to take power over their lives, then I have really succeeded.
Simply to learn how to make lemonade when life gives us lemons!
Live well!